69656FvScReUsmNr - Vacationing at Hammock Harbour - Shooting the half Moon with my K-3 II through my 6SE |
68151LeCr - Shooting the Moon with Tom - Pauline at WHBC |
66082PeCrLeNrUsm - Backyard observing |
66080CrLeUsm - Cresecnt Moon with my 6SE - A71 |
63701LeUsm - Looking at Mars, Jupiter, Saturn - the Moon from my Driveway Each New Day A Miracle |
62595RoCrLeUsmNr - The Moon, Jupiter - Saturn over Sturgeon Lake |
62538PaCrLeNrUsmRe - Admiring Comet NEOWISE in Greenwood Conservation Area with Beth - Andy |
62527CrLeNrUsm - Admiring Comet NEOWISE in Greenwood Conservation Area with Beth, Julia - Andy |
62508CrNrLe - Admiring Comet NEOWISE in Greenwood Conservation Area with Andy Each New Day A Miracle |
60719NoUsm - Shooting the Moon (with my Pentax on a T adapter) |
60710CrLeUsm - Shooting the Moon (with my Pentax on a T adapter) |
60703CrLeBw - Shooting the Moon (cell phone held to 'scope) Each New Day A Miracle |
57604RoCrLeUsm - Moon and reflection on Sturgeon Lake |
52420CrBwLeShUsm2Ro - SuperMoon! Handheld on the porch with my telescope and cell-phone Each New Day A Miracle |
48078CrLeRe - Shooting for the Moon, and Jupiter, with Andy |
36370RoCrLe - Sunset fishing with Andy - Rideau Acres Each New Day A Miracle |
28891RoRe - Vacation at Kiawah Island, SC - Sunset over Seabrook Island, with Venus - Jupiter Each New Day A Miracle |
10746CrLe - Trying at the Moon, again (sigh) Each New Day A Miracle |
08276lrs - Playing under a full Moon Each New Day A Miracle |
08118RoCrLe - Shooting stars at the cottage - Cassiopia - Andromeda over Center Point Marina Each New Day A Miracle |
08115ls - Shooting stars at the cottage - Moon - Jupiter over Birch Point Marina Each New Day A Miracle |
08103Re2CrLe - Shooting stars at the cottage - Moon - Jupiter over Birch Point Marina Each New Day A Miracle |
05374CrLeShRe - Moon with cloud behind our Maple Each New Day A Miracle |
04547cl - Sunrise, Rotary Park-1 Each New Day A Miracle |
04546cls-A - Sunrise, Rotary Park Each New Day A Miracle |
01585l - Orion, The Hyades - The Pleiades Each New Day A Miracle |
01547clDe - Moon and Jupiter Each New Day A Miracle |
01276 - Moon Each New Day A Miracle |
01266 - Moon experiment 2 Each New Day A Miracle |
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